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本文来自微信公众号:城墙上的守夜人 微信ID:watcher_on_the_wall 这段延时摄影的视频在YouTube挺火的。 YouTube上播放量是这个数字,超过120万: 可能有些小伙伴已经看过,这是北京三元桥11月18日的桥梁整体更换工程。
晚上6点,完成! 外国小伙伴看完以后,被中国逆天的建造速度吓呆了,小伙伴们开始手动盖楼…… Kevin Yew In my corrupted country it took 3 yrs to build that. 在我的腐败国家要花3年才能建成 André Pereira da Silva Are you talking about BRAZIL ? 你是说巴西? Alvin Tey No. He is talking bout Malaysia 不,他是说马来西亚 Angga Conni Saputra he is talking about indonesia 他是说印尼 Kevin Yew Seems like only China can done it within days (楼主回复了)好像只有中国能在几天内完工 Timo Mok 4 and the half.., normally will finish around election time.... 一般要花4年半……通常会在选举时期完工 Cristi Gruita He is talking about Romania ?? 他是说罗马尼亚 Jojo Delos Santos your lucky kevin in our country it will take 3 presidents term to finish that lol 楼主幸运的话,贵国要花3个总统任期完工(笑) Saki Real In my country, a small 5 meters bridge took 4 years to finish 在我国,小小一座5米的桥要花4年建成 Varun Chelladurai In india too 印度也一样 張藍龍 Noooooo , He is talking about Thailand. 不不不不不不,他是在说泰国 Patrick Chua In my homeland of the philippines tt would take an entire presidents term to even go halfway not to mention the amount of money pocketed as the project goes 在我的祖国菲律宾,一整个总统任期才能造一半,更不要提中饱私囊的回扣钱了 Dannie Cade Canada is the same Patrick ... exactly the same. (回楼上)加拿大也一模一样 Eric Faivre In Indonesia they would take 43 weeks to decide how much money needs to be given to officials and then it would take 4 years to complete ....?????? 在印尼需要43个星期决定给官员们多少钱,然后再花4年完工 Joydeep Joe Sarkar I've great respect for China when it comes to infrastructure 一说到基础设施,我对中国肃然起敬 Ron Meanwhile in the UK 5 years of planning plus an overspend of 3,000% etc or was that just the new Scottish Parliament buildings we paid for. 与其同时,在英国需要5年计划时间,再加上3000%的超支费用——哦,那就是新建的苏格兰议会大楼群 守夜人(微信ID: watcher_on_the_wall)觉得,外国小伙伴们说的不少都是气话,大概人都嫌本国不争气,外国怎么怎么好吧…… 不管怎样,作为中国人有点小自豪呢! 墙外多少事 都付笑谈中 观察者网系华语地区首屈一指的政经资讯新媒体。 24小时滚动更新,每日独家热点评论,私人定制外媒内参,政治波普情趣阅读,不同凡响资讯体验! 网站转载合作请洽客服QQ:2920915625 小编工资已与此 长按炫彩二维码免费关注观察者网微信(ID:guanchacn) 「点击阅读原文->访问www.guancha.cn感受超凡资讯体验」 回复:招聘 了解如何加入我们
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